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BOTH, Maxine

Visiting PhD Student | Fall 2023

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Maxine Both is a doctoral researcher at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy, holding a master’s in political science from McGill University (Montreal). Her research explores the role of civil society and activists in supporting migrants held in immigration detention centres in Canada and Italy and is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec Société et Culture (FRQSC). In particular, she aims to understand how immigration detention centres create “borders” within the state, and how actors form relations of solidarity across walls despite the constraints of these spaces. More broadly, Maxine is interested in the politics of border control, transnational movements, and qualitative methods which bridge empirics and political theory. She is also a research assistant on the DiMiCoP project, The Diffusion of Migration Control Practice: Actors, Processes and Effects, co-coordinator of the Migration Working Group at the EUI, and has worked for the Department of Economic and Social Development in Canada (ESDC).  

Areas of expertise

  • Migration 
  • Borders 
  • International relations 
  • Transnational social movements 
  • Qualitative methods 
  • Canada 
  • Italy