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BROWNE, Lalique

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Lalique Browne is a doctoral candidate in public health at the School of Public Health of the University of Montreal (ESPUM). Her research focuses on the law and access to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) services in Sub-Saharan Africa. She focuses in particular on the impact of abortion policies on women's health. Her research is funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS). She previously worked on the evaluation of free family planning policies in Burkina Faso. She also has extensive experience in the field of neglected tropical diseases in Chad. Lalique Browne is also a member of the Center for Public Health Research (CReSP). Her work has been published in the Journal of Global Health, Reproductive Health, BMJ Global health and the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Areas of expertise

  • Global health
  • Sexual and reproductive health
  • Gender and health
  • Chad
  • Burkina Faso


Browne, L., Cooper, S., Tiendrebeogo, C., Bicaba, F., Bila, A., Bicaba, A., & Druetz, T. (2022). Using experience to create evidence: a mixed methods process evaluation of the new free family planning policy in Burkina Faso. Reproductive health, 19(1), 1-16.   

Bicaba, F., Browne, L., Kadio, K., Bila, A., Bicaba, A., Druetz, T. (2020). National user fee abolition and health insurance scheme in Burkina Faso: How can they be integrated on the road to universal health coverage without increasing health inequities? Journal of Global Health, 10(1). Doi: 10.7189/jogh.10.010319 

Druetz, T., Browne, L., Bicaba, F., Mitchell, M., Bicaba, A. (2020). Effects of terrorist attacks on access to maternal healthcare services in Burkina Faso: A national longitudinal study. BMJ Global Health, BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002879. 

Delea G, M., Browne, L., Kaji, S., Weiss, A., Tchindebet, O. (2023). Factors influencing local & community engagement during Guinea worm and polio eradication endgames in Chad: Recommendations for ''last mile'' programming. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.