Researcher | Africa (2024-2025)
Contact : nicolas.klingelschmitt@umontreal.ca
Nicolas Klingelschmitt is a PhD candidate and lecturer in the political science department at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), and holds a master's degree in international relations & international program management from the University of Lyon 3 (France). His thesis, supported by the Quebec Research Fund in Society and Culture, focuses on the functioning of the African peace and security architecture, in particular the relations between the African Union, the Regional Economic Communities and external partners in the framework of conflict prevention and management. He is a researcher and coordinator at the FrancoPaix Center of the Raoul Dandurand Chair in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies and co-host of the podcast “Au FrancParler”. Nicolas is also a guest researcher at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies at Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) and a member of the Interuniversity Group for Studies and Research on African Societies (GIERSA). Before starting his thesis, he worked for three years at the Africa World Institute, for which he carried out studies on interreligious dialogue and migratory dynamics in West Africa. He was also an author for Les Clés du Middle-Orient.
Areas of expertise
- African Union
- African regional economic communities
- Conflicts and peace operations
- Administration of international organizations
- Development and international cooperation
- Central Africa (Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, DRC)
- Ethiopia
Klingelschmitt, Nicolas. « De la construction à l’opérationnalisation effective de l’architecture africaine de paix et de sécurité : état des lieux des politiques africaines de défense commune » in L’État dans les Afriques, État des lieux. Mballa Charlie (dir)., L’Harmattan, 2e édition, 2024. (Sous presse)
Klingelschmitt, Nicolas. Diaby, Aminata., “De facto sovereignty and multilateral sanctions for a return to constitutional order in a context of regional armed conflict : The case of Mali”, in War and Sovereignty, Richard Yann., Daho, Gregory. (dir)., Palgrave MacMilan, 2023
Klingelschmitt, Nicolas. «République Démocratique du Congo: des solutions régionales aux conflits des Grands Lacs ?» Décryptage, Bulletin FrancoPaixVol. 7, n°9, 2022
Klingelschmitt, Nicolas., « Undocumented Migration Dynamics from West Africa to Europe », in Human Displacement from a Global South Perspective, sous la dir. de Cedillo, Gonzalez, Espin Ocambo, Julieta, p. 77-99. Palgrave Macmilan, 2021