Dorothée Schmid
Short term visiting scholar | September 25-29 2023

Dorothée Schmid is a researcher and head of the Contemporary Turkey and Middle East program at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI).
A specialist in Mediterranean and Turkish issues, Dorothée Schmid is a graduate of Science-Po Paris, holds a postgraduate degree in applied economics and has a doctorate in political science from the University of Paris-II Panthéon-Sorbonne. She joined Ifri in 2002 after working as a country risk analyst for the bank Crédit Agricole-Indosuez and carrying out consulting missions with public institutions (European Commission, French Ministry of the Economy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs), as well as NGOs (Cités-Unies France) and private companies. Dorothée Schmid is also Head of the Contemporary Türkiye and Middle East program at Ifri.
Conference given: Türkiye: memory recovered?
Monday September 25, 2023, University of Montreal
Episode of Sans escale podcast: Turkey, chameleon of foreign affairs