Laurent Bonnefoy
Short term visiting scholar | October 28-November 1st 2024

Laurent Bonnefoy is a political scientist and CNRS researcher at the Center for International Research (CERI) at Sciences Po in Paris.
He works mainly on political and religious mobilizations in the contemporary Arabian Peninsula with a particular interest in Yemen. He is editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Arabian Humanities and a member of the editorial board of the online media Orient XXI. His main publications include Salafism in Yemen. Transnationalism and Religious Identity (Columbia University Press, 2012), Yemen. From Happy Arabia to War (Fayard, 2017, translated into English by Hurst/Oxford University Press, 2018).
During his residency at CÉRIUM, Laurent Bonnefoy will give two conferences:
- A conference entitled A decade of war in Yemen: the political field recomposed
- A workshop as part of our conference cycle Doing research in difficult terrain devoted to Islamism and the Middle East