Valérie Niquet
Short term visit, Chair of Asian and Indo-pacific Studies | January 20-25 2025

Valérie Niquet is a French specialist in the geopolitics of Asia, and more specifically of China.
After being the Head of the Asia Division at IFRI, she directed the Japan program at the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique (FRS), a French think-tank dedicated to the analysis of international security issues. Valérie Niquet is also an associate researcher at the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA). Valérie Niquet regularly participates in the Hearings organized by the National Assembly, the Senate or the European Parliament.
Valerie Niquet studied history, international relations and Chinese and Japanese languages. She holds a doctorate in political science from the University of Paris 1-Sorbonne. She is also the author of numerous books and articles on China, Japan and more broadly security issues in Asia. Her latest book published by Tallandier is entitled "Taiwan face à la Chine". She regularly contributes to the major French media to comment on events in Asia and international relations.
Valérie Niquet is a Knight of the National Order of Merit.
During her residency at CÉRIUM, Valérie Niquet will give two talks:
- Alongside the directors of the Chair on the post-Trump Indo-Pacific region, on Wednesday, January 22, 2025
- Alongside Vina Nadjibulla (Asia Pacific Foundation) and Rita Chen (Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Montreal) following the screening of the documentary Invisible Nation at the UdeM Ciné-Campus, on Thursday, January 23, 2025