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/ CERIUM LogoFaculty of Arts and ScienceThe Montreal Centre for International Studies

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Meritxell Abellan Almenara is a PhD candidate in criminology at the University of Montreal. She holds a Bachelor of Laws from Pompeu Fabra University (Spain) and an LLM in International Criminal Justice from the University of Nottingham (UK).

Her primary research interests include the intersections between criminal law and immigration control and the rights of people in detention. Meritxell's thesis project focuses on the transformations of the Canadian justice system caused by the laws and practices specific to immigration law. In particular, she studies the impact that inadmissibility for criminal reasons may have had on the representations and practices of judicial actors during the sentencing stage.

Areas of expertise

  • Border criminology
  • Criminal justice system
  • Penology and migration
  • Human rights


Scientific journals

Abellan Almenara, M. et Van Zyl Smit, D. (2015). Human Dignity and Life Imprisonment : the Pope enters the debate. Human Rights Law Review, 15(2). 

Abellan Almenara, M. (accepté - en révision). The noncitizens v. Denmark : foreign prisoners and the criminal law of the enemy. Theoretical Criminology (n.d.).

Abellan Almenara, M. (accepté – en révision). ‘Fermer la porte aux indésirables’ : étude des conceptions des rôles des juges québécois à la lumière de l’article 36 LIPR. Criminologie (n.d.).


Abellan Almenara, M. (2023) Alexa, je me sens très seul.e » : avantages et risques de l’installation de compagnons virtuels dans les cellules d’isolement. Le Beccaria- revue de l’Ordre professionnel des Criminologues du Québec, 7.