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Visiting PhD student | Fall 2024

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Léa Gouley is a doctoral student in sociology at the University of Aix-Marseille. She holds a law degree with a mention in political science (University of Lille) and a master’s degree in sociology (AMU). Her research focuses on violence committed against migrant women, with a comparative France-Quebec dimension. Under the direction of Thierry Berthet and Mustapha El Miri, LEST (Laboratory of Labor Economy and Sociology).  

In a context where violence committed against women is more highlighted, in particular thanks to the rise of the “#Metoo” movement, the question of violence against migrant women, the most vulnerable (undocumented, with unstable administrative status, new arrivals, asylum seekers, illegal workers, etc.), remains unresolved, and does not benefit from the same socio-political and scientific debate. Based on the observation of this asymmetry of treatment, this research aims to study, with a comparative aim, France-Quebec, the violence suffered by migrant women throughout their migratory journey, from the countries of departure to the countries of settlement, their difficult handling, even their invisibility in host countries as well as their effects in terms of discrimination-vulnerability.

Areas of expertise

  • Migration 
  • Violence and gender
  • Intersectional approach 
  • Ethnographic investigation