HESSEK, Elizabeth
Contact : elizabeth.hessek@umontreal.ca
Elizabeth is a PhD student in Geography at the Université de Montréal. She holds a Master of City Planning, concentration Community and Economic Development and a Master of Science in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania and a Licence de Géographie, spécialité aménagement from Sorbonne Université. Elizabeth’s research is situated at the intersection of migration studies and queer geography. She explores the use of participatory and reparative research methods to examine LGBTQ+ refugees’ experiences in their places of arrival. Her current project focuses on arrival experiences in small- and medium-sized communities in France.
Areas of expertise
- Migration
- Borders
- Queer geography
- Feminist geopolitics
- Europe
Schemschat, N. & Hessek, E. (2024). Le pouvoir de l’intime : Une approche queer-féministe pour appuyer la capacité d’agir des personnes exilées accueillies hors-métropole. Écarts d’Identité, 142, 34-40.
Vives, L., Banos, A., Martel, C., Hessek, E. R., & Williams, K. (2024). Maritime Sar Systems in the EU: Convergence and Co-optation into the Anti-Immigration Border. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 1–22.
Vives, L., Banos, A., *Martel, C., *Hessek, E., Williams, K. (accepté avec révisions, soumis le 31/10/2023) Sauvegarde de la vie en mer versus contrôle des migrations par voies maritimes : l’émergence des frontières dans le sauvetage en mer dans la zone de responsabilité SAR espagnole. Criminologie.
Hessek, E. (2024). Afterword: French critical geographies from one decade to the next. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 23(1).
Hessek, E. & Mackey, A. (2023). TrailOff: Immersing the landscape with voices out of line. In Kinkaid, E. and Shoenfelder, C. (eds.) you are here: a journal of creative geograpahy.