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RACINE, Rosalie

Visiting PhD student | Winter 2025

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Rosalie Racine is a PhD candidate under the co-supervision of Deborah Barton (Université de Montréal) and Fabien Théofilakis (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). Her research focuses on post-war justice and the gendered discourses surrounding it. Funded by the DAAD and the German Historical Institute (D.C.), her thesis focuses on the impact that judicial transformations had on the conceptions of Allied and German femininities mobilized by the post-war courts in late Germany. West (1945-1965). Her research is part of a double comparison: firstly one of the experience of women in two distinct, but cohabiting, judicial systems (Allies and Germans); then, between the representation of their criminality under the Allied occupation regimes and in West Germany.

Holder of a master's degree in history (Université de Montréal) and a bachelor's degree in history (Université du Québec à Montréal), Rosalie is a member of the War History Research Group (GRHG) and co-directs the 2023 edition -2024 of the GRHG international “Young Researchers” conference on the links between war and justice.

Areas of expertise

  • Post-war justice
  • Occupancy regimes
  • Gendered discourses and representations
  • Media speeches
  • Public opinions
  • World War, 1939-1945
  • Holocaust
  • Post-1945 Germany



« Le procès de Nuremberg » - Aujourd’hui l’histoire, ICI-Première, Radio-Canada, 8 avril 2024.


RACINE, Rosalie. « La défense des criminels de guerre nazis et la revendication d’une autorité morale en Allemagne par les Alliés en 1945 », Histoire, Idées et Société, 2021, 22p.

RACINE, Rosalie. « PRESTON, Diana, Eight Days at Yalta : How Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin shaped the Post-War World, New York, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2019 », Histoire, Idée et Société, août 2021.

RACINE, Rosalie. « L’antisémitisme au Canada durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale (1933- 1945) », article de vulgarisation historique, Je me Souviens, 2023, 4p.