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LECHARTRE, Joséphine

Visiting PhD Student | Winter 2023

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Joséphine Lechartre is a PhD Candidate in Political Science and Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, United States. She holds a BA and a MA from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po Paris). Joséphine's research examines the impact of civil wars on post-conflict political behavior. More specifically she explores how variation in wartime civilian survival strategies explains variation in the formation of political identities in the post-conflict period. Joséphine's research has been supported by a five-year Richard and Peggy Notebaert Fellowship, a John Darby Fellowship, a research grant from the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, and several grants from the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame. 

Areas of expertise

  • Civil wars
  • Transitional justice
  • Political behavior
  • Social movements
  • Identity, race and ethnicity


2022. Johnson, A. Lechartre, J. Mart, S. Robison, M. and Hughes, C. (forthcoming). "Peace Scholarship and the Local Turn. Hierarchies in the Production of Knowledge about Peace", Journal of Peace Research. (Revue par les pairs)

2021. Lechartre, J. "La Juridiction Spéciale pour la Paix colombienne : juge impartial ou institution politisée?", Délibérée 9 (1). (Non-revue par les pairs)

2017. Lechartre, J., Linares, C. and Ospina, J.C. La participación de las víctimas en el Sistema integral de verdad, justicia, reparación y no repetición, Comisión Colombiana de Juristas, Serie ‘Las víctimas en el centro del Acuerdo’, Bogotá : Colombia. (Titre en français: 'La participation des victimes au sein du Système intégral de vérité, justice, réparation et non-répétition') (Non-revue par les pairs)