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Visiting PhD student | Fall 2022

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Estefania Martinez is a doctoral candidate in human geography at the University of Montreal, holder of a bachelor's degree in sociology and a master's degree in socio-environmental studies by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO). She was a member of the National Center of Strategies for the Right to Territory (CENEDET) at the Institute of High National Studies of Ecuador, of the Center for Research and Socio-economic Documentation (CIDSE) in Colombia, and of the Network of Latin American Studies of Montreal (RÉLAM).

Her current research, funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQSc), focuses on the political economy of Colombia's expanding agricultural frontier and accumulation through dispossession. In particular, her analysis focuses on the politics of global crisis and "post-conflict" that have affected the relationship between internal armed conflict and land control.

Areas of expertise

  • Political economics
  • Violence and Citizenship
  • Latin America
  • Agrarian geography


Mejía C, Martínez E. (2020) Globalización e industria farmacéutica. Transformaciones del trabajo y de la producción en una firma del Valle del Cauca, 1994-2015. Universidad del Valle: Cali (ISBN: 978-958-5156-71-5).

Purcell T, Martinez E. (2018) “Post-neoliberal energy modernity and the political economy of the landlord state in Ecuador”. Elsevier - Energy Research and Social Sciences 41: 12-21.

Purcell T, Martinez E, Fernandez N. (2018) “The Value of Rents: Global Commodity Chains and Small Cocoa Producers in Ecuador”. Antipode 50(3): 641-661.

Purcell T, Fernandez N, Martinez E. (2017) “Rents, knowledge and neo-structuralism: transforming the productive matrix in Ecuador”. Third World Quarterly, 38(4): 918-938.


Martinez, E (2021) La izquierda ecológica frente al progresismo en américa latina: repensar la crítica del neoextractivismo (15/03/2021).

Martinez, E (2021) La rabia desborda Colombia. Jacobin Latino América (30/04/2021).

Martinez, E (2021) Colombians Are in the Streets Against a Violent Neoliberal Order. Jacobin Magazine (04/05/2021).