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MUNOZ, Sarah

Visiting PhD Student | Fall 2023

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Sarah Munoz is a political science PhD candidate at the University of Montreal, and holds a master’s degree in political science (University of Montreal) and a master’s degree in international relations (Bristol University). Specialized in environmental policy, her research focuses on the political construction of adaptation and climate change (im)mobilities. Her thesis analyzes the impacts of interests, ideologies, and infrastructural policies on the adaptation of vulnerable communities in the United States, particularly in the way they constrain their capacities and shape their interpretations of climate risks. She has also published research on the concept of “climate refugees” and its use in American media, as well as the cultural and identity dimensions of adaptation to climate change.

Areas of expertise

  • Environmental policy
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Fossil fuels
  • American governance
  • Social and climate inequalities
  • Comparative politics
  • Public policy
  • Political sociology


Peer-reviewed articles 

2021. Munoz, Sarah M. “Environmental Mobility in a Polarized World: Questioning the Pertinence of the “Climate Refugee” Label for Pacific Islanders”, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22: 1271-1284.

2020. Munoz, Sarah M. « La migration comme stratégie d’adaptation : Comprendre les déplacements ‘climatiques’ dans le Pacifique », Cahiers Tocqueville des Jeunes Chercheurs, 2(1) : 54-87 

Book chapters

2023. Munoz, Sarah M. “Representations of ‘Climate Refugees’ and ‘Environmental Migrants’ in American Media”, Handbook of Climate Migration and Climate Mobility Justice. Editors: Andreas Neef, Bukola Salami and Natasha Pauli. De Gruyter. (À paraitre)

2021. Munoz, Sarah M. « Le contrôle de l’eau en Louisiane : entre repère identitaire et menace existentielle », Faire des vagues : enjeux contemporains de l’eau, Canada : L’Esprit Libre, pp. 91-104 


2022. Munoz, Sarah M. « Reconstruire ou partir : Les défis de l’adaptation en Louisiane », Le Climatoscope, 4 : 72-76

Book reviews 

2022. Mouvements ouvriers, partis politiques et luttes populaires aux États-Unis 1938-2018, de Serge Denis. Politique et Sociétés, 41(1) : 208-211

2021. Bolivie : L’illusion écologiste, de Dimitri de Boissieu, 2019. Politique et Sociétés, 40(1) : 205-207

2020. L’urgence écologique vue du Sud, de Bernard Duterme (dir.), 2020. Lectures, DOI : 

2020. Dans la fabrique des transitions écologiques. Permanence et changements, de Geoffrey Carrère, Camille Dumat, et Marie-Christine Zélem (dir.), 2019. Lectures. DOI :