Myriam Benraad
Short term visiting scholar | November 27 - December 1 2023

Myriam Benraad is a professor of international relations at Schiller International University and a specialist of the Middle East.
Myriam Benraad is a political scientist, doctor in political science from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (2011), specialist in the Middle East and comparative political areas. She is a professor of international relations at Schiller International University, where she heads the department of international relations and diplomacy. She is the author, among other recent publications, of Is the Islamic State Defeated? (Paris, CNRS Editions, 2023) and Terrorism: the pangs of revenge. At the preliminary sources of violence (Paris, Cavalier Bleu, 2021).
Conference given: Is the Islamic State group really defeated?
Thursday November 30, 2023
Episode of Sans escale podcast: What remains of Daesh?