
The mission of the Montreal Center for International Studies (CÉRIUM) is to promote the development of knowledge on international issues. This mission is accomplished through research, training and outreach activities.
CÉRIUM is a community of researchers specializing in the study of international issues. The research carried out at CÉRIUM is aimed at academics and all those interested in the evolution of contemporary international relations. It is structured along three axes - economy, environment and security - identified as priorities and transversal to its many research units. This work is disseminated through scientific publications, conferences and media interventions.
Since its creation in 2004, CÉRIUM has established relationships with numerous partners from the academic realm, NGOs, governments and international institutions. Our activities are funded by the Université de Montréal and from external partners such as the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec.
Academic Training
In collaboration with faculties and departments involved in international studies, CÉRIUM promotes the development of specialized training for high-level researchers, responding to the growing need for a competent workforce in the field of international studies.
We organize summer schools that address important international issues. They are intended for graduate students, business people, civil servants, members of NGOs and journalists. Seminars and master classes are also offered to the academic community.
Each year, we welcome postdoctoral researchers who are closely associated with the work of our research units. They participate in the organization of seminars and conferences. The CÉRIUM thus offers young researchers the opportunity to become part of international networks and to showcase their research through scientific publications.
CÉRIUM shares its scientific expertise with external realms (civil society, corporations, government agencies, international institutions, etc.) in order to inform public debates and decision-making on international issues.
Our experts regularly appear in the media (press, radio, television). Each month, our podcast, Sans escale, highlights discussions on international affairs between Laurence Deschamps-Laporte, CÉRIUM’s scientific director, and Laura-Julie Perreault, international columnist for La Presse.