Towards a security culture?

Cette conférence a lieu dans le cadre de la série de conférences hiver 2020 "Comprendre les limites du risque dans un monde complexe”.
Newly empowered by a UN Security Council Resolution 2309 that highlights aviation security as an international priority for peace and security, ICAO’s large-scale Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP), and faced with the prospect of exponential growth in global passenger air travel, the surprisingly buzzword of policymakers at recent AVSEC events is “security culture,” marking a change from the dominance of risk in previous iterations. A new cultural stream of documents, white papers, and toolkits are circulating amongst security professionals. In addition to some empirical insights, the cultural turn in aviation security (AVSEC) has some important theoretical stakes: the productive nature of failure, the unique political dynamics of knowledge in the security field, and the need to retheorize the practical use of security cultures.
Mark Salter est professeur titulaire à la School of Political Studies de l'Université d'Ottawa.
** La conférence se tiendra en anglais
Emplacement : Université de Montréal, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Salle C-2059 (2ème étage)