Sara Teitelbaum
- Professeure agrégée
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de sociologie
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx office C-5110
- Chercheuse
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Centre d'études et de recherches internationales
Travail 1 : 514 343-6111 #49083
Web : ResearchGate
- Membre – CRÉ — Centre de recherche en éthique
- Membre – CÉRIUM — Centre d'études et de recherches internationales
- Membre – CEF — Centre d'étude de la forêt
- Membre – CSBQ — Centre de la science de la biodiversité du Québec
Education Programs
- Environment and Sustainable Development Humanities
- Humanities Fundamental and Applied Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
- Life Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development Fundamental and Applied Sciences Health Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Health Sciences Life Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- Communication
- Health Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Health Sciences Life Sciences
- Theology and Religious Sciences Teaching and Education Sciences
- Economics and Politics Humanities Social Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Life Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Life Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Life Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- SOL2200 Sociologie de l'environnement
- SOL6242 Sociologie de l'environnement
Areas of Expertise
- Sociologie de l'environnement
- Méthodologie qualitative
- Gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles
- Foresterie sociale
- North America
- Great Canadian North
- Coopération et autogestion
- Indigenous people
- Sociologie économique
- Qualitative methods
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Forestry governance at the urban-rural interface in Quebec: An examination of social values and governance dynamics Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2027
NSERC CREATE in Science Leadership for Global Sustainability Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2027
Corridor maritime vert : un agenda de décarbonation du transport maritime et portuaire du système Saint-Laurent Projet de recherche au Canada / 2023 - 2025
Free prior and informed consent, social equity and the forest sector: A comparison of the Forest Stewardship Council certification regime in Canada, Sweden and Russia Projet de recherche au Canada / 2019 - 2025
Engaging citizen science in pursuit of improved air quality in Quebec Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2024
How does forest certification contribute to biodiversity conservation and local/indigenous communities’ wellbeing Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2021
CENTRE DE RECHERCHE EN ETHIQUE (CRE) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2014 - 2021
RéseauLab: a novel social-ecological innovation system for transformative change towards sustainability Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2019
Analyse des approches de gouvernance en foresterie communautaire : étude comparative des modes de participation publique au Québec et en Ontario Projet de recherche au Canada / 2017 - 2019
Analyse des approches de gouvernance en foresterie communautaire : étude comparative des modes de participation publique au Québec et en Ontario Projet de recherche au Canada / 2017 - 2019
Évaluation de la capacité d'adaptation aux changements climatiques des communautés canadiennes dépendantes de la forêt. Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2018
Corporate Social Responsibility, Aboriginal Rights and the Principle of FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent): Lessons from Canada’s Forest Sector Projet de recherche au Canada / 2015 - 2018
ENERGY-Conditions supporting resilience in Canadian resource-based communities: empirical and methodological insights from the literature on social-ecological systems Projet de recherche au Canada / 2015 - 2016
Publications Expand all Collapse all
Teitelbaum, S., Montpetit, A., Bissonnette, J-F, Chion, C., Chiasson, G., Dion, F., Dupras, J., Fortin, M-J, Leclerc, E., St-Amour, C., Tardif, J. 2019. Studying resource-dependent communities through a social-ecological lens? Examining complementarity with existing research traditions in Canada. Society and Natural Resources. 32:1 , 93-112.
Teitelbaum, S., Wyatt, S., St-Arnaud, M., Stamm, C. 2019. Regulatory intersections and Indigenous rights: Lessons from Forest Stewardship Council certification in Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
Wyatt, S. and Teitelbaum, S. 2018. Certifying a state forestry agency in Quebec: Complementarity and conflict around government responsibilities, indigenous rights, and certification of the state as forest manager.
Teitelbaum, S. (editor). 2016. Community forestry in Canada: Lessons from policy and practice. UBC Press, Vancouver, B.C.
Teitelbaum, Sara. 2015. Le respect des droits des peuples autochtones dans le domaine de la gestion forestière au Québec: quelle évolution (1960-2014)? Recherches sociographiques, 56(2-3) : 299-323.
Teitelbaum, S.2014.Criteria and indicators for the assessment of community forestry outcomes: A comparative analysis from Canada. Journal of Environmental Management. 132:257-67
Teitelbaum, S. et Wyatt, S. 2013. Is forest certification delivering on First Nations issues? Assessing the effectiveness of the FSC Standard in respecting First Nations rights in the boreal forests of Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Journal of Forest Policy and Economics. Vol. 27, C: 23-33.
Axelsson, R., Angelstam, P., Degerman, E., Teitelbaum, S., Andersson, K., Elbakidze, M., Drotz, M. 2013. Social and cultural sustainability: Criteria, indicators, verifier variables for measurement and maps for visualization to support planning. Ambio. Vol. 42, 2: 215-228.
Teitelbaum, S. et Bullock, R. 2012. Are community forestry principles at work in Ontario’s County, Municipal, and Conservation Authority forests? The Forestry Chronicle. Vol. 88, 6: 697-707.
Teitelbaum, S., Beckley, T., Nadeau, S. 2006. A national portrait of community forestry on public land in Canada. The Forestry Chronicle, 82(3): 416-428.
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