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What role for the voluntary sector in welfare state restructuring: the case of Norway

Conférence organisée par le CPDS, donnée en anglais par le Professeur De Selle de l'Université de Bergen (Norvège) :

The voluntary sector in Norway played an important role in the early development of the welfare state. For a long time, it was decisive for large-scale tasks of welfare service provision. In recent years, however, we can observe a radical change in the relationship between the state and the voluntary sector, at the same time as the market sector has gained a new and significant role, most notably in the field of health and welfare services. I discuss the implications of this profound change for the Norwegian welfare state, often seen as a « model » of egalitarian citizenship”

Location: Université de Montréal, 3150 rue Jean-Brillant, Pav. Lionel-Groulx, Carrefour des arts et des sciences, salle C-2059