Experts in: Haiti
AUDATE, Pierre Paul
Professeur adjoint, Chercheur
- Food systems
- Environmental issues
- Urban agriculture
- Climatic changes
- Adaptation to climate change and climate variability
- Food studies
- Urban environment
- Economic and health geography
- Qualitative methods
- Heat waves
- Gentrification
- Urban planning
- Local and community development
- International development
- Food studies
- Canada (Québec)
- Haiti
- Monaco, Principality of
- Costa Rica
BELONY, Lyns-Virginie
Professeure adjointe, Chercheuse
- Haiti
- Modernity
- Early Modern Times
- 20th century
- Violence
- Memory
- Collective memory
- State
- Caribbean
DRUETZ, Thomas
Professeur agrégé, Chercheur
- Global health
- Population health intervention assessment
- Program evaluation
- Vector-borne Diseases
- Women’s/Maternal health/Maternity
- Evaluative research
- Health determinants
- Primary health care/Healthcare
- Public health
- Population’s health
- Social Determinants of Health
- Health services evaluation
- One Health
- Health services utilization
- Evaluation studies
- Longitudinal studies
- Developing countries
- Western Africa
- Haiti
- Burkina Faso
- Mali
- COVID-19
- Africa
JOLIVET, Violaine
Professeure agrégée, Chercheuse
- Right to the city
- Gentrification
- Transnationalism
- Migration
- Mobility
- Comparative urbanism
- Urban studies
- Visual and sound methodologies
- Cuba
- Haiti
- Montreal
- Americas
- Residential dynamics