Experts in: International migrations
BATES, Karine
Professeure agrégée
- India
- Legal anthropology
- Kinship
- Legal pluralism
- Access to justice
- Colonization and decolonization
- Religion et politique
- Hindouisme
- Kinship and social structure
- Family
- Gender studies
- International migrations
- Ethnology
- Modern Times
- South Asia
- Emerging Powers
CARON, Roxane
Professeure agrégée, Chercheuse
- Femmes réfugiées
- Réalités en camps de réfugiés
- Exil
- Réfugiés
- Travail social international
- Transnationalism
- Intersectionnalité
- International migrations
- Postcolonialism
- Middle East
- Canada (Québec)
Professeur titulaire, Chercheur
- Democracy
- Family
- German history
- History of gender
- Jewish history
- Migration
- Multiculturalism
- Paternity
- Politeness and civility
- Interethnic relationships
- Urbanity
- Europe
- Germany
- 19th century
- 20th century
- Theories of democracy
- Age of Enlightenment
- International migrations
- Early Modern Times
- Modern Times
Professeure agrégée, Chercheuse
- International migrations
- Political geography
- Unaccompanied migrant minors
- Borders
- Europe
- Africa
- Migration
- Geography of risk and security
- European Union
- Canada