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/ CERIUM LogoFaculty of Arts and ScienceThe Montreal Centre for International Studies

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Experts in: Middle East

Brodeur, Patrice

BRODEUR, Patrice

Chercheur, Professeur agrégé

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Caron, Roxane

CARON, Roxane

Chercheuse, Professeure agrégée

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Deschamps-Laporte, Laurence


Professeure adjointe, Directrice

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Hamzah, Dyala


Professeure agrégée

My research interests concern the processes of reform and centralization in the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire throughout the 19th century (Egypt, Syria, Iraq, North Africa), from a cultural and social perspective. The central role of the press and associations in the emergence of a public space during the Arab Renaissance and the issues of education and citizenship in the colonial and post-colonial periods are central to my research.

At the same time, my work bears on the symmetrical processes of professionalization and the popularization of Islamic expertise in the 20th century. More specifically, I am interested in the institutional and curricular development of mosque-universities such as al-Azhar, Zaytuna and Qarawiyyin, from the 18th century until their nationalization in the 1960s, and also in the legacies and uses of Islamic historiography, philosophy and law in the contemporary period, particularly in nationalism and Islamism.

My current research aims to contribute to the cultural history of Arab nationalism and to define its key institutions: volunteer associations and secret societies; scouting movements; school textbooks.


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Lachapelle, Jean


Professeur adjoint, Chercheur

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Professeure titulaire

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Zahar, Marie-Joelle

ZAHAR, Marie-Joelle

Professeure titulaire

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