Experts in: Europe
AMIRAUX, Valérie
Chercheuse, Professeure titulaire, Vice-rectrice
- Pluralism
- Radicalisation
- Religious affiliations
- Ethnography
- Europe
- Religion et politique
- Public international law
- Canada
- International human rights law
BARTON, Deborah
Professeure agrégée, Chercheuse
- World War, 1939–1945
- Modern Times
- 1900-1945
- 1945-1989
- 20th century
- Germany
- Between the wars
- Early Modern Times
- 19th century
- Sexual and gender identity
- Europe
- Journalism
- Gender studies
- Violence
- Mass media
Professeure agrégée, Chercheuse
- Public Opinion
- Electoral studies
- Political Parties
- Methodology
- European Union
- Europe
Chercheur, Professeur titulaire, Secrétaire de faculté, Vice-doyen
- World War, 1914–1918
- Pacifism
- International relations
- International civil society
- History of international relations
- 20th century
- France
- Modern Times
- Europe
- Quebec
My work focuses on the notion of peace, its representation and conceptualization during the 20thcentury. At the doctoral level I worked on the broad movement within the democracies that emerged as winners after the First World War, aimed at creating a lasting peace. My recent research, which looked at letters from “ordinary people” to political figures (Woodrow Wilson) and international organizations (League of Nations), examined the connections between citizenship, individual engagement and international relations. In my current research I am studying the social mobility and reintegration of French-Canadian veterans after the First World War.
DUFOUR, Pascale
Chercheuse, Professeure titulaire
- Comparative politics
- Political sociology
- Social movements
- Collective action
- Gender and politics
- Canada
- Canada (Québec)
- North America
- Europe
- Conflict resolution
- International relations
- Political representation
- Transnationalism
- Democratic transition
- Social and political theory
- Environmental issues
- Environment
- Feminist theories
- Spain
- Democracy
- Urban policy
- Diet
Chercheur, Professeur adjoint
- Immigration
- Rapports de genre
- Sexualités
- Political sociology
- Action publique
- Rapports État/société civile
- Inégalités sociales de santé
- Nationalismes et sexualités
- Europe
- Canada
- Tunisia
Chercheuse, Professeure émérite, Professeure associée
- Social policies
- Public Policy
- Comparative politics
- Political behaviour
- Citizenship
- Americas
- Western Europe
- Human development
- Canada
- Modern Times
- Europe
- Latin America
- Comparative government
- History of ideas
- 1945-1989
- 1989-2000
- 2000 A.D. - Present
- Liberalism
- Social and political theory
- International organizations
- Social movements
- European Union
LE CORRE, Thibault
Chercheur, Professeur adjoint
- Economic geography
- Urban geography
- Quantitative methods
- Political economics
- Geographic information systems and their applications
- Europe
- Modern Times
MCFALLS, Laurence
Chercheur, Professeur honoraire, Professeur associé
- Social and political theory
- Digital Humanities
- Germany
- Peace Operations
- Europe
MÉRAND, Frédéric
Chercheur, Professeur titulaire, Directeur de département
Professeur titulaire, Vice-doyen
- Public Policy
- Science and policy
- North America
- Europe
- Public Opinion
- Soil Decontamination
- Biotechnology
- Economic Planning of Energy
- Climate Changes and Impacts
- Community Health / Public Health
- Risks
- Environmental policy
- Public Administration
Chercheuse, Professeure titulaire
- Judicial power
- Public policies
- Comparative political planning
- Policy evaluation
- Law and politics
- Europe
- Canada
- Democracy
- Switzerland
- North America
- Bioethics
- Nouvelles technologies
- Social and political theory
- Public Policy
Chercheur, Professeur titulaire
- Corruption
- Parlamentary ethics
- Bureaucracy
- Technocracy
- Organizational theory
- Expertise
- Europe
- North America
- Public Administration
- Social policies
- Citizenship
- Ethics
- Collective action
- Parliamentarism
- Canada
- Canada (Québec)
Professeure titulaire, Chercheuse
- Sociologie de l'Allemagne contemporaine
- Théorie sociologique
- Feuilleton
- Eastern Europe
- Europe
- Western Europe
- Germany
Chercheuse, Professeure adjointe
- Europe
- Eastern Europe
- France
- Balkans
- Romania
- Early Modern Times
- Greece
- Nationalism
- International relations
- Identity
- Philanthropy
- Comparative history
- History of ideas
- Political history
- 19th century
- Age of Enlightenment
- Romantic Period
Chercheur, Professeur titulaire
- Democracy
- Family
- German history
- History of gender
- Jewish history
- Migration
- Multiculturalism
- Paternity
- Politeness and civility
- Interethnic relationships
- Urbanity
- Europe
- Germany
- 19th century
- 20th century
- Theories of democracy
- Age of Enlightenment
- International migrations
- Early Modern Times
- Modern Times
Chercheuse, Professeure agrégée
- International migrations
- Political geography
- Unaccompanied migrant minors
- Borders
- Europe
- Africa
- Migration
- Geography of risk and security
- European Union
- Canada